Prof. Laurie Fox, Board Certified Music Therapist, takes us on a brief journey, and explains her field along the way. It’s been...
The Kindermusik with Simply Music Blog
Universal Language: Music Therapy
Self Awareness and the Dragon: A Parenting Fairytale
When our sons were young (age 4), they memorized a very simple, two-part definition of self-awareness. Here is it:
What Kids Need
Last month, I wrote an article on what kids want that featured a commercial from an Australian food company. It beautifully demonstrated the...
Last month, The New York Times reported on new research conducted at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology...
Crazy Sounds: What the Voice Can Do
Okay folks…this is going to be a weird post, but stay with me. I’m a collegiate choral director, so singing is big part of my...
How Music Strengthens Emotional Development and Bonding
Music moves us. It’s a plain and simple truth, common to human beings all around the world since time...
Music and Memory – Helping Stroke and Dementia Patients
Sometimes I apologize in advance to my Kindermusik families for how many times we repeat a song in class. But...
Using Music to Address Challenging Behaviors
Whether in the classroom or at home, if there are children, there are likely to be challenging behaviors. That’s...
Online Toys for Music Joys: Google’s Chrome Music Lab
Greetings music fans! In celebration of the National Association for the Education of Young Children’s...
Moving and the Mind
When does the most powerful and sustaining learning happen? Look in the window of any Kindermusik classroom, and you’ll see the answer...
Whisper, Talk, Sing: How the Voice Works
The Voice. Not the TV show – the aural presence of each of us. It’s an amazing instrument, able to produce an incredible...
Kindermusik and the Music City: Betsy Flanagan Speaks at the National Head Start Conference and Expo
Next week, Kindermusik International’s Director of Professional...
Simply Music Family
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